Musings From Morton

Call this a spot to just put stuff I find and thoughts that I have. Who knows who will visit but in the end the site isn't here to get visitors but to just put... stuff.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Households Using Google

The other day I became excited as only a true computer geek could be... I heard that Google was coming out with a new desktop search tool. Overall this week has been a pretty good one but if you ask me what the highlight was... Well I'd have to say the desktop search tool. No my life isn't that boring but it's a cool tool. Okay I admit that the toolbar isn't the best thing that happened to me this week but it ranks right up there!

So why is some desktop toolbar so cool that I've felt the need to go on about it so much? Well it has a bunch of little tools which I really like and I'm guessing that they will be adding more as it becomes more popular. Let me explain a bit about the toolbar.

First off it isn't that thing at the top of your browser that just lets you search. The toolbar is this toolbar that sits on the right or left side of your screen and it holds a number of tools you may use on a regular basis. So... If I want to see my last few emails it's in the bar. If I want to see RSS feeds from my favorite sites when they update the site... It's in the bar. How about photos? Yep it's got that too. I can load up my favorites and it will run a mini slideshow or if I go to a photoblog it automagically downloads those images into the mini slideshow. It also has an area for my stock ticker as well as weather. The only thing it is missing is a radar image but I have to believe that is either coming or I could put it into my slideshow area since it will read from a website.

So if you want a cool tool then just go to google and download it. The Google Desktop bar is just the ticket!


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